Medicare Open Enrollment Begins October 15th

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Wealth Management

If you are covered by Medicare, it’s not too early to start planning for the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP). Medicare plans can change every year, and you may want to switch to a health or prescription drug plan that better suits your needs or your budget.

Mark these dates on your calendar:

  • Late September: Watch for your Annual Notice of Changes in late September and study it carefully. If you’re satisfied with what you currently have, you don’t have to do anything — your current coverage will continue.
  • October 15th: The OEP starts and during this period, you can:
  • Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan, and vice versa.
  • Change from one Medicare Advantage Plan to a different Medicare Advantage Plan.
  • Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers prescription drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn’t offer prescription drug coverage, and vice versa.
  • Join a Medicare Part D drug plan, switch from one Part D plan to another, or drop your Part D coverage.
  • December 7th: The OEP ends December 7th and if you find a better plan, enroll in it. You will be disenrolled from your current plan automatically. Any changes made during Open Enrollment are effective as of January 1, 2025.

Use the Medicare Plan Finder to identify any changes in your plan’s coverage, restrictions, and costs. For personalized information, you can log in or create an account to compare your plan to others and see prescription drug costs.

Determining what coverage you have now and comparing it to other Medicare plans can be confusing and complicated, but help is available. Call 1-800-MEDICARE or your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for free, personalized counseling. BFSG is also here to help you compare your options.

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