Financial Resources & News

Understanding Your Paycheck

Congratulations! You've just landed a new job. Here are some important things to be aware of before you receive your first paycheck. When will I receive my paycheck? How often will you be paid? Typically, your payday will depend on the company you work for and which state you work in. You might be paid on a weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis. Regardless of your employer's pay...

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Navigating the Ukrainian Crisis to Protect Your Assets

We have all watched the crisis in Ukraine unfold in the media over the last two weeks. There is concern that the sanctions imposed may lead Russia to seek retaliatory action via an increase in cyber-attacks targeting industries and businesses worldwide. When the world feels unstable, we want to reassure you that your assets are safe, and we are on high alert. While this is not a comprehensive...

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Tax Savings Opportunity for Business Owners – Must Act Before March 15th

By:  Michael Allbee, CFP®, Senior Portfolio Manager We pointed out last year there was an opportunity for some Californian taxpayers to get relief for the $10,000 state and local tax (SALT) cap through 2021 - 2025. You can do this by paying some of your California taxes through a profitable pass-through business with some limits and nuances. This helps get around the $10k federal cap for state...

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Monthly Market Update (February): 3 Things You Need to Know

February was a month of two halves. Hawkish central banks, high inflation and a strong U.S. jobs report dominated the first half of the month. However, the Russia/Ukraine situation has taken over the narrative for the second half of the month and has carried over into March. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine. Here are 3 things you need to know: Real gross domestic product...

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Fight Inflation with Taxes

By:  Michael Allbee, CFP®, Senior Portfolio Manager Late last year we gave you some tips on how to profit from inflation by investing in Series I savings bonds (I-Bonds).  You can buy up to $10,000 per person per year directly from Treasury Direct. But you can also fight inflation by buying an additional $5,000 in paper I-Bonds with your income-tax refund. You can ask to receive all or part of...

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Should You Buy an Expensive Home on Balboa Island or Near a Coastal Area?

Picture by: Steven Yamshon By:  Steven Yamshon, Ph.D., Managing Principal Balboa Island is a coastal community located in Newport Beach, California, that is popular among tourists, vacationers, and full-time residents. Prior to development in 1921, Balboa Island was a swamp with large wetlands being removed to make way for Newport Harbor. Developers dredged millions of tons of silt and...

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Welcome to the Team – Crystal Kessler

Please join us in welcoming Crystal Kessler, CFP® to Benefit Financial Services Group. Crystal joins BFSG as a Wealth Manager / Financial Planner. She will be working with clients to help them realize their short and long-term goals by delivering personalized financial plans and retirement analysis. Previously, she worked as a Wealth Advisor for a Registered Investment Advisor in San Diego, CA....

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Ignore the Noise – Focus on What You Can Control

By:  Thomas Steffanci, PhD, Senior Portfolio Manager Let’s cut through the ongoing cross currents of Wall Street and other pundits’ chatter about supply chains, the pandemic, the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”), and market volatility to concentrate on the proven drivers of stock market investing. History attests to the maxim that if you don’t expect a recession nearby, stay invested in stocks. That...

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SPACs Go from Red Hot to Ice Cold

By:  Robert Verdugo, CMFC®, APMA®, Financial Analyst What a difference a year makes. Last spring, you couldn’t avoid the topic SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) in any financial publication you laid your eyes on. Now the SPAC conversation is still prevalent, but for opposite reasons. Investor sentiment has dissipated dramatically in recent months as the prospect of higher inflation...

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All About Credit Scores

It's difficult to imagine functioning in today's world without credit. Whether buying a car or purchasing a home, credit has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Having easy access to credit goes hand in hand with having a good credit score, so it's important to know how to maintain a positive credit score and credit history. The importance of having a good credit score Your credit...

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Tax Filing Tips to Make Filing Easier

The IRS announced that the starting date for when it would accept and process 2021 tax-year returns was Monday, January 24, 2022. Tips for making filing easier To speed refunds and help with tax filing, the IRS suggests the following: Make sure you have received Form W-2 and other earnings information, such as Form 1099, from employers and payers. The dates for furnishing such information to...

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Markets in Review

The year began on a promising note with low levels of inflation, low interest rates, and the anticipation of the vaccine rollout, which was going to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. What a difference a year can make! By the end of 2021, inflation was raging at around 7%, long term interest rates jumped up 0.50% and the emergence of the Omicron variant resulted in caseloads and...

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2022 – An Ideal Time to Review Plan Design

Each year, those in the retirement community collect, analyze and calculate data to ensure plan compliance with the laws that govern qualified retirement plans. The calendar of deadlines repeats each year, challenging plan sponsors and service providers to focus on the current plan compliance along with the myriad of changes that have come into effect in the last few years. In addition, the...

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SECURE Act Provisions for Long-Term Part-Time Employees

Historically, 401(k) plans could exclude individuals who worked less than 1,000 hours in the plan year. However, in its effort to expand access to employer retirement plans, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act introduced the concept of a “long-term, part-time employee” (LTPT). The Act requires that starting in 2024, 401(k) plans permit LTPTs the...

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Navigating the Labyrinth of Required Minimum Distributions

Since the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, taxpayers have been required to withdraw previously untaxed dollars from their qualified plan and IRA accounts. These withdrawals are called Required Minimum Distributions or RMDs. Historically, those at and over the age of 70 ½ must take annual withdrawals from their tax deferred accounts including IRAs, SEP IRAs and 401(k) plans. An RMD is...

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*Please Note: Limitations.  The scope of services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement, and the specific requests and needs of the client. BFSG does not serve as an attorney, accountant, or insurance agent.  BFSG does not prepare legal documents or tax returns, nor does it sell insurance products.  Please Also Note: Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk.  Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by BFSG) or any financial planning or consulting services, will be profitable, equal any historical performance level(s), or prove successful.

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